Resources for Writing CFP Submissions

This [Blog post] by Kat Sweet on the building blocks of an InfoSec conference CFP.

The [CFPs 101 Panel] from BSidesLV 2016

The DEFCON Speaker’s Corner post by Nikita titled [How do I Make my CFP Stand Out?]

This [Blog post] by Cheryl Biswas about giving a talk in Infosec

Thank you to everyone who took the time to prepare and submit your ideas.
Final Speaker Announcements will be coming soon.

The Diana Initiative prides itself on featuring a diverse speaker line-up covering a wide range of topics. If you’re interested in sharing your knowledge, please review the details and process below, and submit your talk info ASAP!

*** There will be 2 speaking tracks (one technical, one non-technical) as well as a Workshops track. Speakers have a choice of a 20 minute slot or a 50 minute slot. ***

For any CFP questions, email []

Important Dates

Jan 19th, 2019: Call For Papers Opens
Feb 22nd, 2019: First Round closes
March 15th, 2019: First Round notifications sent
April 12th, 2019: Second Round closes

April 26th, 2019: Second Round notifications sent

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submission Title
  2. Speaker Name(s)
  3. Speaker Email (this is how we will contact you) Hidden from reviewers
  4. Speaker biography (150 words or less per speaker) Hidden from reviewers
  5. Abstract for your talk (200 words or less) Please refrain from including identifying information
  6. Detailed talk outline Please refrain from including identifying information
  7. Whether this would be your first speaking engagement at a conference
  8. Whether this talk has been previously given at another conference
  9. Shirt Size
  10. Equipment Needs (beyond internet access and AV equipment)

If the submission is missing any of the above items, it will not be accepted. The Diana Initiative reserves the right to throw out papers in which the author’s personal information is contained in the abstract or detailed outline.

We will do our best to accommodate equipment needs, but presenters are responsible for any equipment beyond internet access and A/V equipment provided.

Review Process

Each submitted talk will be double-blind reviewed (the reviewers do not see the author names and the authors do not see their reviewer names) by a committee of dedicated reviewers.

A final group of core conference staff will make a final judgement on each talk based on the comments provided by the double-blind review panel. Reviewers score talks based on a number of criteria included, but not limited to:
~ Detail of submission
~ Novelty of the talk
~ Whether the talk has been given previously
~ Whether the talk has been recorded previously

We offer two submission rounds for talks. The Diana Initiative believes in feedback and education as part of the CFP process. With that in mind, we will send out clear acceptance and rejection letters at the end of each round, which will include feedback from reviewers.

If your talk is not accepted in the first round, we strongly encourage you to rework your talk and resubmit in the second round.


CFP Chairs: Pablo Breuer [@Ngree_H0bit]