What conference is complete without After Parties? At Diana Initiative, we know some of the best networking happens in a casual and fun setting, which is why we host both a Quiet Party as well as a Loud Party.

A Diana Initiative Badge is required to attend either of our After Parties.
Doors open at 7:30pm and space is limited.

Quiet Party: Friday, 9 Aug, 8-11pm

light, board games on tables, light snacks

Enjoy light refreshments, low-key background music, and a safe & fun atmosphere for networking and chatting while you relax playing an assortment of board and card games. The Lock Pick Village will be open during the party to sharpen your skills and bond over 5-pin successes. This is a great time to meet and talk with other attendees from the conference without the noise and crowds of a typical Friday night.


Coinbase Breakfast: Saturday, 10 Aug, 8am

Visit [coinbasedianainitiative.splashthat.com] and enter code CBBREAKFAST to RSVP for this free breakfast hosted by Coinbase in the Cyprus Ballroom at the Westin. Space is limited.

Not-Quiet Party: Saturday, 10 Aug, 8-11pm

DJ, purple lights, lasers, glow

It’s Saturday night and time to cut loose after multiple days of conference talks – come celebrate with us! Enjoy a great mix of music by our masterful DJ, Tineh Nimjeh, with lasers, dancing and more in a comfortable and safe space. There will be a cash bar available for refreshments. For one last hurrah, the Lock Pick Village will be open during the party as a fun and relaxing getaway for all skill levels.